Thor Source Texts
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From the Elder or Poetic Edda
S�mund's Edda)

Grimnism�l (The Lay of Grimner)
Exerpts about Thrudheim and Bilskirnir

H�rbarzlj�� (The Lay of Harbard)
A word-battle between Odin and Thor

Hymiskvi�a (The Lay of Hymir)

�rymskvi�a (The Lay of Thrym)

Alvismal (The Lay of All-Wise)

the Prose or Younger Edda
(Snorra Edda)

Gylfaginning (The Deluding of Gylfi)
Exerpts about Thor's origins, appearance, realm,
magical possessions and more.

Skaldskaparmal (On Poetic Diction)
A list of Thor's names and descriptive kennings

The Prose (Elder) and Poetic (Younger) Edda Texts
Norse Source Texts: the Eddas

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